Equine Assisted Psychotherapy- Is it for You?
There are so many different types of therapies out there that help so many different people. Equine Assisted Psychotherapy is an experiential, hands on solution oriented therapy. Using EAP you are able to shift to issues where traditional talk therapy leaves off. During your session you will work with a team that consists of you, a Mental Health Professional, Equine Specialist and horses. Horses are highly sensitive animals that aid us in working through issues without judgment or another person's perspective.
Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP) has amazing outcomes helping people just like you identify blocks that are impairing growth. When you sign up for our sessions you will be taking the first steps into an arena to help stimulate change in your life.
Take a look at the following videos:
Eagala EAP
Eagala- Military Services
TedTalk on Equine Assisted Psychotherapy.
If you are interested in learning more of what Go2Therapy has to offer when it comes to EAP, head here: Go2Therapy.Solutions/Unstuck
Look forward to seeing you in the arena soon!